Universal Hope

HaTikva - התקווה

An instrumental version of ‘The Hope’ (Hatikva התקווה), Israel’s national anthem, featuring musicians and instruments from all over the world.

I started this passion project while traveling India in 2013 and worked on it for 9 months. It premiered at the Identity exhibition in Yafo, which featured artists from Angola and Israel, and was played on the Israeli radio station 88fm.

The message is simple: Stripped of its words, a melody has no nationality.

Music is universal, just like Hope itself.


MaTan Berkowitz (Israel) – Guitar, Harmonium, Shruti Box, Synths, Programming

Oren Shoval (Israel) – Sitar & Oud

Nirmal Goswami (India) – Tabla

Hamada (Japan) – Darbuka & Lea

Selma Candel (Spain) – Violin


Produced, arranged, mixed, shot and edited by Matan Berkowitz

Mastering by Idan Egozy

Color correction by Bar Efraim

Much gratitude to Gal Muggia, Ron Minis, Avner Amit, Yaron Klainer and Marina, my Love